Zdrastvooytye comrades welcome to the R.W.R.B this is a blog made for mainly Russian ww2 reenactors but everybody is welcome especially if you are interested in joining a group. If you are interested then i just want to say some things: reenacting is not about getting a gun and killing people as i have heard as a reason for wanting to join. Reenacting is about displaying and respecting how the russians, in our case, fought in WW2, in our case, and presenting a living history event which basically means you are living and representing history so it is very serious you need a proper reason not "oh i fought as that guy on call of duty and want to reenact them because it inspired me' remember not all games and films are truthful and may not fully represent the people fighting.
Now we have the important stuff out the way I am going to talk about uniform and equipment. If you want to reenact as a Russian in ww2 you will need what a russian had in WW2 so firstly a
a M43 Gymnastiorka (late war tunic)
Notice turned up collar and subdued insignia
M35 Gymnastiorka (early war tunic)
notice turned down collar and full collar insignia (can be subdued)
and the Sharovari Breeches
Notice the it is cut full in the hips with a diamond shape reinforcement on the knee
Now this is only the basics you will next need
Sapogi boots
Russian canteens left post war green right ww2 silver it is recommended you get original or repro but they normally accept postwar versions same with the covers
3 brown padded liner with single chin strap
Early war mess tin
Type two Mess tin
early war belt 100% leather
Canvas and leather belt 'economy' belt
That's pretty much all you need there is other stuff you could get but that is optional. All you have left to get is a gun that you can buy from shows around the world and websites which also applies for deactivated guns.
Kit list guide
- M35/M43 Gymastiorka £40-60
- Sharovari Breeches £30-50
- Sapogi boots £30-50
- Belt £15-20
- Canteen and cover £5-10
- Mess tins £5-20
- Ammo pouches £5
Links to websites:
If your allowed to shop abroad:
Websites in the UK
and various Ebay sites that can be good for post war items
Check out our website www.2ndguards.com
ReplyDeleteI have but i wanted to go a step further and increase my and other peoples knowlege